I've been playing petz since I was around 5 years old and have now been in the PC for about 7 years, having joined RKC on September 9th, 2014. I then went on to join Milk/the BC on January 15th, 2015 and create my site Down the Rabbit Hole on December 29th, 2015. It was originally on Weebly with Mouse setting up and creating this Neocities layout, published on February 16th, 2021. When I was little I used to play Petz 5 but have since switched over to mainly use Petz 4 (and Babyz as well!). I've got the full collection of Petz games complete with Babyz and Oddballz. I started hexing petz a while after being in the PC and I know how to hex toyz, as well as both flat and addball clothes, too. I'm not much of a breeder, but I do enjoy it sometimes.
I live in the US and I'm a college student. I have a dog and fish in real life, but have had other pets in the past (rats, hamsters, more fish, cats, another dog). When I'm not playing petz I'm normally playing other video games! I also enjoy card games, board games, and starting craft projects I will never finish. Art-wise, I like making things/miniatures out of polymer clay and I enjoy doing paper crafts called "paper theaters." I'm obsessed with anything miniature as well! I love to collect miniatures and have an affinity for dolls and figures and stuff of that nature. I enjoy decorating my journal/bullet journal too.
Besides video gaming, crafting, and doing school work, you can normally find me wasting my time on Tumblr or watching various shows and movies. I'm a big fan of superhero movies and in general, most things fiction or fantasy. I like to bake sometimes too, but the tradeoff of having to clean up the kitchen is certainly not fun!
I'd like to send a big thank you to Mouse for doing the layout for this site! And I could be misremembering these, but a thank you to Kazzie for the site name idea (based on my love of Alice in Wonderland) and Pinto for the SS horses stable name idea.