
stamp collection
trading cards
petz pixel art house

tulgey wood detective agency
the castle labyrinth
upside down

~ updates ~
March 29th '23 - Added March monthly stamp! Will leave it up through April.
February 21st '23 - Added foral muttlies and black forest cake muttlies to archive.
February 10th '23 - Added chocolate pretzel catz and donut dali to hexing archive.
February 5th '23 - Added monthly Feb stamp. To be added: choc pretzel and donut hexies, showing resources and getting started tutorial.
January 8th '23 - Redid crew pages. Now the main pages use Airtable to sort my crew
January 6th '23 - Revealed Team Plaid and Team Snowflake hexies and clothing sets on my archives
January 5th '23 - Removed Oct, Nov, Dec stamps from monthly stamp page. Added new tinker clothing templates to resources (pants v2, santa hat, bow). Added 2 mystery files to archive (flower and black forest cake muttlies)
January 3rd '23 - Added 2022 Christmas cards from Nebula, Penny, Thor, and Pinto!
December 31st ' 22 - Added page for polls, added 1st poll asking what peoples' favorite Petz Community holiday is
December 29th '22 - Added January 2023 monthly stamp, edited about page and added new cliques, added NYE 2023 dali to archive page. Happy 6th birthday to my website's existence!
December 28th '22 - Added silhouettes of Petzcord advent prize hexies to archive - team snowflake and team plaid versions
December 15th '22 - Forgot to add my mermuttlies to the archive whoops! Those have been added.
December 13th '22 - Added Lemonade as a sibling/sister site. Added reindeer oshie hex to archive and finally posted my 2022 Oct, Nov, and Dec stamps!
June 12th '22 - Added June monthly stamp, added prompt generator for ideas as to what to do each day when naturally raising (for example), featured pet on crew page incoming
May 17th '22 - Added velveteens to Other Catz page. Also added a bunch of chihuahuas to my crew pages a while back and forgot to say, as well as added a page for adoptions with a form to request a grab bag!
May 13th '22 - Sent out the prizes for the bday find-it!
April 27th '22 - Added a birthday find-it and a Facade clique
April 22nd '22 - Added a page for my petz playscene pixel art :)
April 15th '22 - Published adoptions page with grab bags; some new downloads hopefully coming soon!
April 10th '22 - Added the hairball collector clique. And the PC egg hunt has begun! There is an egg hidden on this site ;)
March 16th '22 - Added March '22 stamp, added fish find-it
March 4th '22 - Added monthly stamps!
October 28/29th - Added lots of stamps to my collection finally and more trading cards, thanks to xoops for the html help
October 1st '21 - Toy, clothing, and playscene archives added to the "Archive" page
October 4th '21 - Tutorial + formula for using Excel to figure out your petz' show title added to "Resources" page
September 15th '21 - Added the Library of Tutorials page, Tulgey Wood unofficially linked recently as well
May 31st '21 - Added cliques to About page
April 9th '21 - retired some show petz, though point totals are not up to date. Added new show petz
March '21 - show petz added
December 29th '15 - website created on Weebly, Neocities version officially revealed February 16th '21